The NHS friends and family test (FFT) is an important opportunity for you to provide feedback on the care and treatment you receive and to improve services.
It was introduced in 2013 and asks patients whether they would recommend hospital wards, A&E departments and maternity services to their friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment. This means every patient in these wards and departments is able to give quick feedback on the quality of the care they receive, giving hospitals a better understanding of the needs of their patients and enabling improvements – it is now being implemented in GP surgeries.
The question: “How likely are you to recommend our GP practice to friends and family if they needed similar care or treatment?”
The possible answers: ‘Extremely likely’, ‘Likely’, ‘Neither likely or unlikely’, ‘Unlikely’, ‘Extremely Unlikely’, ‘Don’t Know’.
The Friends and Family results for May show that over 94% of people who answered said they would be extremely likely or likely to recommend the surgery to a friend or their family. This is based on 287 responses.
May 2021 Results
Thank you to everyone who took the time to fill out a card. We really appreciate your kind words and constructive criticism. We have taken great pride in reading all of your positive comments and have taken on board some of the suggestions that you have made in relation to improving our practice and would like to share our thoughts with you below.
We have received a number of comments regarding the length of time patients have to wait to be seen. Currently the NHS is facing more pressure than ever before and it is becoming increasingly difficult for patients to receive quick appointments for routine issues. We now have a new appointments system in place which we hope in some cases will save patients visits to the surgery as the issue may be able to be dealt with directly over the phone by the GP. It will also help patients to be seen much sooner if needed, in most cases, on the same day.
Our Friends & Family cards are still available for all those who are seeing a Doctor or Nurse for an appointment, so if you don’t have one, please pick one up from reception.
Thank you for your time!